Developement Needs Analysis

  • Since 2009 assessments are used in EMEA to systematically assess potential successors (internally as well as external candidates) against the company's leadership success criteria in terms of performance an potenial.
  • Whereas the 360° Feedback is used to gain a retrospective view on the performance of a potential candidate, the assessments are used to get a prospect of the potential.
  • Trained and experienced assessors are used to provide top management with valid data upon which to base critical succession and development decisions as an integral part of the EMEA organizational development approach.
  • In order to be able to respond to future challenges, development requirements are surveyed prospectively.
  • Sigma-Aldrich management competences are measured in terms of the requirements of a target position …
  • … and based on a mix of diversified practical exercises and/or cognitive tests.
  • The competence profile reveals which competences are well-developed with a view to the target position and which still deserve more attention.
  • Based on the results, a decision can be taken about which types of stretched assignments and next development steps are suitable for the participant in quest.


Sigma-Aldrich International GmbH is a subsidiary of Merck